(Slovenija (Slovenia) )

Avstro-ogrska topniška utrdba na jugozahodnem pobočju Svinjaka (danes muzej na prostem Čelo) nad vasjo Kal-Koritnica, zgrajena leta 1915, nekaj mesecev pred italijanskim napadom na avstro-ogrske položaje.
Artillery fortification with the trenches which was built by the Austro-Hungarian Army on the south-west slope of Mt. Svinjak above village Kal-Koritnica in North-West Slovenia. |
Doberdobski kras
(Italija (Italy))
Line of battle

Okrog vrha griča Debele Griže - Šmihela (275 m) v italijanščino poimenovanega Il monte San Michele, na območju Doberdobskega krasa, so vidne ostaline italijanske topniške kaverne in ostaline avstroogrskih kavern. |
On the area of Debela Griža rising (117m), Italian “Il monte San Michele" of the karst plateau Doberdob (Carso di Doberdo) are remains of the Italian artillery cavern and remains of Austro-Hungarian caverns. |
Doberdobski dol
(Italija (Italy))
Spominski objekt

Madžarska kapelica v Doberdobskem dolu - naselje Vižantini. |
Hungarian chappel in the valley of Doberdob - Vižantini (Visantini settlement |
Doberdobski kras
(Italija (Italy))
Line of battle

Okrog vrha griča Griža (117 m) v italijanščino poimenovanega Sei Busi, na območju Doberdobskega krasa, so vidne ostaline z betonom utrjene linije nekdanjega italijanskega okopa. |
On the area of Griža rising (117m), Italian “Monte Sei Busi" of the karst plateau Doberdob (Carso di Doberdo) are remains of the Italian fortified defense “line” with the concrete build trenches. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia))

Railroad section Logatec - Črni Vrh. Not completed railway - full size tunnel between the main road between Godovič and Črni Vrh (1916-1917). |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Spominski objekt

(Slovenija (Slovenia) )

Bovške Kluže - spodnja trdnjava |
Flitscher Klause - the lower fort |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )

(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Military cemetery

(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Kolovrat. V času prve svetovne vojne je italijanska vojska na območju Kolovrata zgradila obsežen sistem svoje tretje obrambne črte, poimenovane »linea d' armata«. |
Kolovrat. In a time of the First World War the Italian Army built a network of fortified trenches, caverns, and artillery positions named »linea d' armata«. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Vojaško pokopališče
Military cemetery

(Slovenija (Slovenia) )

(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Vojaško pokopališče
Military cemetery

(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Območje hriba Mengore (453 m), vzhodno od naselja Most na Soči je bilo jedro Avstro-Ogrske obrambne linije in prehoda reke Soče pri Tolminu. |
The area of Mengore hill (453 m) west from Most an Sočil settlement was the core of the Austria-Hungary defense of the Soča River bridge-passage at town Tolmin. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Območje Mrzlega vrha (1358) s panoramskim razgledom na dolini rek Soče in Tolminke je predstavljalo pomemben člen avstro-ogrske obrambe na tolminskem mostišču v obdobju bojev na Soški fronti od pomladi 1915 do jeseni 1917. |
The area of the Mt. Mrzli vrh (1358) was important strategic location and defense position of Austro-Hungarian Army to prevent Italian Army to invade the inner land of the monarchy. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )

Utrdba na Predelu (med I. svetovno vojno skladišče in postaja poštnih golobov) |
Fortress on mounatin pass Predel ( a warehouse and a pidgeon post station during the WWI) |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Po italijanskem zavzetju planine Lapoč v prvih dneh junija 1915, ob pričetku bojev Na Soški fronti, se je frontna črta ustalila nad pašniki na meji s planino Pretovč in se v 29 mesecih ni več premaknila. |
After Italians occupied the mountain pasture Lapoč during the first day of June 1915, at the very beginning of the battles of the Isonzo battlefield, the front line had been established above the pastures along the border of the Pretovč pasture. The front line didn't move for another 29 months. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Muzej na prostem Ravelnik (519 m) v neposrdni bližini vzhodno od Bovca. Del avstro-ogrske obrambne črte, kjer so med prvo svetovno vojno na soški fronti potekali strditi boji "mož an moža". |
The Ravelnik open-air museum (519 m) nearby, eastern fom town Bovec. A part of the Austro-Hungarian defence line that saw fierce fighting "man to man" during the First World War on the Isonzo Front. |
(območje 1313) (Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Cesta na Vršič (Slovenija (Slovenia) )
 |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Zgodovinski kraj
Historical place

Latinska ćuprija - Latinski most je poznan kot mesto kjer je srbski terorist umoril Avstroogrskega prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinanda in njegovo ženo Sofijo. |
The Latin Bridge - this bridge is known as the place where Serbian terrorist murdered Austro-Hungarian Heir to the Throne, Archduke Franc Ferdinand and his wife Sophia. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Vojaško pokopališče
Military cemetery

V vasi Soča je v bregu nad vaškim pokopališčem za cerkvijo vojaško pokopališče iz časa prve svetovne vojne. |
In the village Soča in a slope above the church graveyard is a Military cemetery from the first world war. |
(Redipuglia) (Italija (Italy))
Vojaško pokopališče
Military cemetery

Italijansko pokopališče v Sredipolju (Redipuglia). Italijanski vojni spomenik v Sredipolju (Redipuglia) je največji italijanski vojni spomenik. |
Redipuglia (Sredipolje) memorial- the largest Italian war memorial rises from the western face of the hillock Griža (Sei Busi) of the Doberdob karst plateau. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Sveta Gora je bila obstreljevana od leta 1915, leta 1917 so se boji med italijansko in avstrijsko vojsko preselili na sam območje Svete Gore. |
Sveta Gora has been shelled since 1915, and in 1917 the fighting between the Italian and Austrian armies moved to the area of Sveta Gora. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Škabrijel je kraj najbolj srdite bitke (1. svetovna vojna) izmed vseh Avsto-Ogrskih bitk v vsej zgodovini. |
Škabrijel is the place of the most wrathfull battle (WWI.) of any Austro-Hunarian battle in all history. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Vojaško pokopališče
Military cemetery

Zgodovinski kraj
Historical place

Tromejnik je 31. maja 1924 na današnje mesto postavila mednarodna razmejitvena komisija. |
The tripoint pyramid was build on May 31st 1924 by the Border Committee of the Treaty of Trianon. |
(Francija (France))
Vojaško pokopališče
Military cemetery

Kostnica v Douaumontu je spomenik v katerem so posmrtni ostanki vojakov, ki so padli na bojiščih v okolici Verduna med I. svetovno vojno. |
The Douaumont ossuary is a monument and memorial containing the remains of soldiers who died on the battlefield during the battles of Verdun in World War I. |
(Slovenija (Slovenia) )
Line of battle

Muzej na prostem Zaprikraj je urejen na območju prve italijanske obrambne črte na prevalu med Kalom (1.760 m) in Krasjim vrhom (1.768 m). Italijanska vojska je tu zgradila sistem zidanih in betoniranih strelskih jarkov s strelnimi linami, zvrtala kaverne in naredila topniške položaje. |
The Zaprikraj outdoor museum is located at the first Italian defense line. A system of stone and concrete made trenches with crenels was built, caverns were drilled and artillery positions were set at the mountain saddle between Kal (1,760 m) and Krasji vrh (1,768 m). |