slovenščina SLOVENIA 1914-1918 Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


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Čelo (virtual excursion) Artillery fortification with the trenches which was built by the Austro-Hungarian Army on the south-west slope of Mt. Svinjak above village Kal-Koritnica in North-West Slovenia. The fortification was built few months before the attack of the Italian Army. The fortification was part of the defence line at Bovec (Sperre Flitsch). The Artillery fortification was with the important role in the defence of the valley part of the front line in the area of Bovec. The main part of the artillery fortification consists of 200-metre long trench with stone built walls which connects two artillery positions with a kitchen, an observation post, two dormitories for 40 men, and a shelter for 20 soldiers. The trench had 150 crenels for riflemen. From south slope of Svinjak (Čelo, 650 m) is a vista over the Bovec basin, Mt. Rombon and the other surrounding mountains.

(source: info board at the site - Open air museum Čelo)

Burger Landmarks /

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