slovenščina SLOVENIA 1914-1918 Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Italijanska kostnica nad Kobaridom

The Italian ossuary at Kobarid

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion je

The Italian ossuary (virtual excursion) above Kobarid is a monument at the church of St. Anton in Kobarid to the Italian soldiers who were killed during the First World War.

Ossuary designed by architect Giovanni Greppi and sculptor Giannino Castiglioni, both the authors of the ossuary in Sredipolje, was placed near the church of St. Anton on the rising above Kobarid in 1938. The monument was placed in memory of fallen Italian soldiers in the 1st world war that fell in the area of Kobarid, Bovec, Tolmin and Rombon.

The staircase is shaped as an octagon, in which two niches with names and surnames are placed in two concentric circles, and soldiers make soldiers fallen, while in the middle of the third circle stands the church of St. Antona. The church on this site was built much earlier, since it was consecrated already in 1669. The remains of 7014 Italian soldiers were buried in the niches. On the way from the center of Kobarid to the top of Gradič there are stations of the cross path.

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