slovenščina SLOVENIA 1914-1918 Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


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Il Monte della morte”, the hill of death (virtual excursion), because 25.000 Italian and 15.000 mostly Slovenian soldiers died here: Škabrijel... the place of the most wrathfull battle of any Austro-Hunarian battle in all history (not only first world war) of Austria or Hungary empires. (by official Austrian military records). The battle between Italian 3rd Army with troops from Palermo and 3 Slovenian Mountain regiments and 87th regiment of Celje.

Imagine the area today: Škabrijel ... after 99 years when 45.000 Italian 300-400 mm artillery grenades from 700 cannons and 100 minethowers (here is one unexploded and deactivated: memorial) making 3 m deep craters with 10 m diameter fallen on area of about 3 square km in a time of 3 days... (after Italian general Capello went "mad" when in that time attacking Italian superior army couldn't break the resistance of defending troops). The death toll was high and after three days of constant gunfire Capello ordered the attack of his soldiers... but Slovene defenders "half mad" of gun firing (quoting from book the Isonso front, Simić, M.) went out from deep caverns and returned the fire.

Burger Landmarks /

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