December21st 2007

5. november 2007
19. oktober 2007
October 19th 2007
11. oktober 2007
October 11th 2007
10. oktober 2007
October 10th 2007
Prekmurje >
(obrežje reke Mure, brod, mlin)
Prekmurje >
(Mura River bank, ferry cable, floating watermill)
** !!! *** |
23. september 2007
September 23 rd 2007
18. september 2007
September 18th 2007
17. september 2007
September 17th 2007
Stavba opere v Ljubljani -
Opera house in Ljubljana - construction works (2)
15. september 2007
September 15th 2007
(septembrski sončni
Fiesa (September sunny day)
9. september 2007
September 9th 2007
17. avgust 2007
August 17th 2007
12. avgust 2007
August 12th 2007
8. avgust 2007
August 8th 2007
2. avgust 2007
August 2nd 2007
29. julij 2007
July 29th 2007
Gornji Grad
(Zgornja Savinjska
Upper Savinja valley
14. julij 2007
July 14th 2007
28. maj 2007
Maj 28th 2007
16. maj 2007
Maj 16th 2007
14. maj 2007
Maj 14th 2007
11. maj 2007
Maj 11th 2007
11. april 2007
April 11th 2007
Google Earth: Slapovi Slovenije
Waterfalls of Slovenia
8. april 2007
April 8th 2007
1. april 2007
April 1st 2007
Google Earth: Zavarovana
območja narave in kulturne dediščine Slovenije [
Protected areas of nature and cultural heritage of Slovenia
24. marec 2007
March 24th 2007
1. marec 2007
March 1st 2007
- gotska cerkev Marijinega
Crngrob - gothic church of the
19. februar 2007
February 19th 2007
16. februar 2007
February 16th 2007
13. februar 2007
February 13th 2007
7. februar 2007
February 7th 2007
6. februar 2007
February 6th 2007
2. februar 2007
February 2nd 2007
1. februar 2007
February 1st 2007
24. januar 2007
January 24th 2007
18. januar 2007
January 18th 2007
januar 2007
January 1st 2007