Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

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Prostorske fotoreportaže- VR journalism2012

21. december 2012

December 21st 2012

Revolt Na tisoče ljudi (ocena 10.000) je na Trgu republike v Ljubljani protestiralo proti neprimernemiu varčevanju, za socialno državo, nepoštenim politikom, zlonamernim interpretacijam zakona, itd...

Thousands of people (estimated 30,000) protested on Trg republike in Ljubljana. They protested against not proper austerity measures, for the social country, crimials among polticians, etc...

5. december 2012

December 5th 2012

Groblje Milklavž v kulturnem domu Groblje (ob 18 uri)

5. december 2012

December 5th 2012


Milklavžev sprevod v Ljubljani (ob 17 uri)

St. Nicholas procession in Ljubjana

4. december 2012

December 4th 2012

Dvorec Trebnik

"Biser" Slovenskih Konjic - dvorec Trebnik

The pearl of Slovenske Konjice - Trebnik manor house

29. november 2012

November 29th 2012


Slovesnost ob 20. obletnici Akademske in raziskovalne mreže- Arnesa.
Arnes  je javni zavod, ki zagotavlja omrežne storitve organizacijam s področja raziskovanja, izobraževanja in kulture ter omogoča njihovo povezovanje in medsebojno sodelovanje ter sodelovanje s sorodnimi organizacijami v tujini.

Solemnity due to the 20th anniversary of the Academic and Research Network.The Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES) is a public institute that provides network services to research, educational and cultural organizations, and enables them to establish connections and cooperation with each other and with related organizations abroad.

17. november 2012

November 17th 2012

Protest Na tisoče ljudi (ocena 30.000) je na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani protestiralo proti neprimernemiu varčevanju in za socialno državo.

Thousands of people (estimated 30,000) protested against not proper austerity measures and for the social country on Congress Square in Ljubljana. 

9. november 2012

November 9th 2012

Martinovanje Martinovanje na Trgu svobode v Mariboru

5. november 2012

November 5th 2012

Poplavjanje Kamniške Bistrice

Poplavljanje Kamniške Bistrice pri Količevem/Zg. Jaršah.

Flooding Kamniška Bitrica at Količevo/Zg. Jarše.

25. oktober 2012

October 25th 2012

Tovarna dušika Ruše Ruševine nekdanje "matere razvoja" v Mariborki okolici - Tovarne dušika Ruše ...

15. oktober 2012

October 15th 2012

Hutterjevi upravni prostori Upravno prodajni prostori MTT-ja v Mariboru - "ostaline"...

10. oktober 2012

October 10th 2012

MTT tekstil Ostaline nekdanje Hutterjeve tekstilne industrije ...v Mariboru

5. oktober 2012

October 5th 2012

Tekstilni inštitut Tekstini inštitut Maribor - kaj je ostalo?

8. september 2012

September 8th 2012

Harmonikar - accorod player

Kamnik . 7. tekmovanje harmonikarjev za pokal Dnevov narodnih noš - finale.

Kamnik. 7th competition of the accordion players in Kamnik.

18. junij - 20 december 2012

June 18th - December 20th 2012

Oloop : PONOVNO POVEZANI - prostorska tekstilna instalacija.

Oloop: RECONNECTED - textile installation in space.

26. maj. 2012

May 26th 2012

Veter v laseh

Rodica - Veter v laseh .

Rodica - Wind in the hair.

18. maj. 2012

May 18th 2012

Maturanstska parada 2012

Četvorka - 12 maturantska parada 2012 na Slovenski cesti v Ljubljani.

12th quadrille dance parade on Slovenska cesta in Ljubljana.

17. maj. 2012

May 17th 2012


Nobelovi nagrajenci so v Slovenskem narodnem gledališču v Mariboru srečali na panelni diskusiji z naslovom Zakaj dialog in solidarnost v globalni krizi?.

Nobel Peace Prize Laureates met in Slovenian National theatre in Maribor and had panel discussion titled "Why do we need Dialogue and Solidarity in the global Crisis?"

16. maj. 2012

May 16th 2012

Dalai Lama public tak

Javni govor njegove svetosti štirinajstega Dalajlame Tenzina Gyatsa tibetanskega duhovnega in verskega vodje na temo ohranjanje duševnega miru.

The public talk about Cultivating Peace of Mind of his His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso.

15. maj. 2012 ~ 14:30

May 15th 2012

Dalaj Lama

Njegova svetost Dalajlama je že drugič prispel v Maribor, na letališče Edvarda Rusiana Maribor.

His Holiness Dalai Lama came to Maribor for the second time, to Edavard Rusjan Maribor airport.

15. maj. 2012 ~ 10:00

May 15th 2012

Koščki za mir

Koščki za mir

Pieces for peace

5. maj. 2012

May 5th 2012

Regata na Rogli

1. navtični vikend na Rogli - Jadralna regata na Rogli.

The 1st nautic weekend on Rogla - sailing regatte on Rogla on the elevation of 1517 m.

19. februar. 2012

February 19th 2012

Festivalfest 52. festivalfest na Ptuju

18. februar. 2012

February 18th 2012

Fašenk Markovci

21. tradicionalni fašenk v Markovcih.

21st traditional carnival in Markovc i.

11. februar. 2012

February 11th 2012

Etno fest

Prvi medcelinski Etnofest na Ptuju – prikaz tradicionalnih pustnih likov in mask celin sveta.

The first intercontinental Etnofest in Ptuj - traditional masks presentations.

4. februar. 2012

February 4th 2012


Protest proti podpisu sporazuma ACTA, ki ga je podpisala slovenska vlada v Tokiju, Japonska, 26 janurja 2012. Protesta sta bila v Mariboru in Ljubljani, 4. februarja 2012.

Protest against the ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ) agreement signed by Slovenian government in Tokyo, Japan on 26th January 2012. Protest were held in Maribor and Ljubljana on February 4th 2012.

20. januar. 2012

January 20th 2012

Severni sij

Severni sij je multimedijski podvig v letu 2012, ki vzpostavlja v Mariboru lokacije, prepoznavne iz literarnega opusa enega najvidnejših in dejavnejših slovenskih sodobnih pisateljev, mariborčana Draga Jančarja

Northern lights are a multimedia challenge in 2012 which establishes locations in Maribor, recognized from the literal opus of remarkable contemporary Slovenian writers Drago Jančar

18. januar. 2012

January 18th 2012

Hiša eksperimentov



14. januar. 2012

January 14th 2012

Osrednja otvoritvena slovesnost Evropske prestolnice kulture in partnerskih mest (Maribor, sobota, 14. januar ~ 20:00)

The main opening ceremony of the European Capital of Culture (Maribor, Saturday, January 14th)

21. december. 2011

November 21st 2011

Decembrski Maribor

Novoletno okrašen Maribor in nočne luči mesta, 21. decembra 2011.
Festive decoration and night lights of Maribor on December 21st, 2011.

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025