burger.si 360° Surround Photography guide to World Landmarks :: PROSTORSKE FOTOGRAFIJE sveta [O PROJEKTU / ABOUT THE PROJECT] Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

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PROSTORSKE FOTOGRAFIJE ŠIROM SVETA : reden dogodek na čas poletnega in zimskega solsticija najdaljši in najkrajši dan v letu) in pomladanskega in jesenskega ekvinokcija (dan in noč sta enako dolga).
WORLD WIDE panorama : photography takes place on the solstices (longest and shortest days of the year) and equinoxes (day and night of equal length).
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Prostorske fotoreportaže- VR journalism2007

22. december 2007
December 22 nd 2007
zimski solsticij - Winter solstice

Zimski solsticij 22. decembra 2007 , v soboto ob 7:08 uri zjutraj...

Winter Solstice, December 22nd, 2007 at 7:08 in the morning...

13. december 2007
December 13th 2007
Obnova figurna Parlamentu

Na stavbi slovenskega parlamenta je potekala obnovitev figur na vhodnem portalu...

Renovation of figures on the entrance portal of building of Sloveninan parliament...

17. november 2007
November 17th 2007
Delavske demonstracije v Ljubljani

17. novembra 2007 so bile v Ljubljani demonstracije slovenskih delavcev za povečanje življenskega standarda...

On November 17th 2007 were mass demonstrations of Slovenian workers to get better living standard...

Oktober 2007

Lepa soseda :: Beautifull female neighbour

Izbor deklet za "lepo sosedo"...

Competition "Beautifull female neighbour"...

19. september 2007
September 19th 2007

18. septembra 2007 je bilo zjutraj na območju Cerkljanskeg hribovja močno deževje, ki se je stopnjevalo do popoldneva...

It was very heavy rain in the area of Cerkljansko in the morning of September 18th 2007...

16. september 2007
September 16th 2007
17. Pespolk

Leta 1817 je v Ljubljano prišel pehotni polk Avstrijske vojske št. 17. in postal domači polk na Kranjskem...

The Infantry regiment No. 17 of Austrian Army came in Ljubljana in 1817. It became a local regiment in Carniola.

30. junij 2007
June 30th 2007

Festival se je na ljubljanskih ulicah, parkih in ostalih javnih površinah glavnega mesta Slovenije odvijal že desetič...

ANA DESETNICA - international street theatre festival...

20. junij 2007
June 20th 2007
Radio Community but not Commnuity radio...

Vpogled v radijski studijo...

Insight to radio station...

2. maj 2007
May 2nd 2007

Aprila 2007 so se pričela gradbena dela za razširitev opere... s prostorskimi slikami lahko sledite etapam gradnje...

Contruction works of the renewal of the Opera house from the April 2007. You can follow the progress with the two window display of SURROUND PHOTOGRAPHY...

8. februar 2007
February 8th 2007

Koncertna dvorana (3000 m3)  v Postojnski jami lahko sprejme do 10.000 obiskovalcev...

The concert hall (3000 m3) in Postojnska jama cave has sufficient space for 10.000 visitors...

15. januar 2007
January 15th 2007

Od 8. oktobra 1991 do 31. decembra 2006 je bila denarna enota Republike Slovenije tolar.  Od 1. januarja 2007 je denarna enota evro...

From October 8th, 1991 to December 31st, 2006 the currency unit of the Republic of Slovenia was the tolar. From January 1st, 2007 Slovenia's currency became the euro...

10. januar 2007
January 10th 2007

Tirna vzpenjača na Grajski grič v Ljubljani je bila uradno odprta za promet 10. januarja 2007...

Cable Rail to the Grajski grič ( the castle hill) was officialy opened on January 10th, 2007...

1. januar 2007
January 1st 2007
Srečno 2007 - Happy New Year 2007

Novo leto 2007

New year 2007


Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025