Koncertna dvorana (3000 m3)
v Postojnski
jami lahko sprejme do 10.000 obiskovalcev. Akustika v dovorani
je izjemna, zato so v tem jamskem prostoru občasno koncerti simfoničnih
orkestrov. 8. februarja 2007, na slovenski kulturnni praznik je bil omogočen
brezplačen dostop v jamo, do koncertne dvorane, kjer je bil koncert Big
Banda RTV Slovenija s pevko Aniko Horvat. Tega dne je slovenski balonar
Avi Šorn nameraval doseči Guinnessov rekod z dvigom balona v koncertni
dvorani, vendar podviga zaradi okoljevarstvenih razlogov ni izvedel.
concert hall (3000 m3) in Postojnska jama cave has sufficient space for 10.000 people. Acoustic here are
exceptional, that is why symphony orchestras, the world renowes Octet and
a variety of soloists appear here. February 8th 2007 was
Slovenian cultural holiday and the entrance to concert hall was free of
charge. There was a concert of the Big Band of RTV Slovenia with the singer
Anika Horvat. Slovenian baloon pilot Avi Šorn wanted to reach a Guinness
record with flying inside the cavern but he didn't get the permission. |
Prostorski sliki - 360° Surround Photography