Klif je strma obalna stena nastala zaradi erozijskega delovanja valov. Valovi spodjedajo steno, ki se odmika od morja. Na erodirani podlagi nastaja
abrazijska polica
. Hitrost odmikanja klifa je odvisna od moči valov in kamnine v steni.
glej: abrazijska terasa
A cliff is a steep coastal wall formed by the erosive action of waves. The waves are eating away at the wall that moves away from the sea. An abrasion shelf is formed on the eroded base. The speed at which the cliff moves away depends on the strength of the waves and the rock in the wall.
Debeli rtič
Istra, Sovenija, Vzhodna obala Jadranskega morja |
Debeli rtič Istria, Slovenia, North Adriatic east coast
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Plimska erozija Hopewell Rocks, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Kanada |
Tidal erosion Hopewell Rocks, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Kanada |