uvod - foreword
Slovenia Landmarks - map
Piran, je staro mediteransko in pristaniško mesto, ki leži na samem rtu Piranskega polotoka. Mesto je pravzaprav en sam velik muzej, saj ima ohranjeno srednjeveško zasnovo z zanimivo arhitekturo ter bogato kulturno dediščino. Ozke ulice ter tesno stisnjene hiše dajejo mestu prav poseben čar.
Piran je danes upravno središče ter tudi pomembno slovensko turistično središče.
Piran is old Mediterranean town which is situated at the cape of the Piran peninsula. The town is actually one large museum with the medieval architecture and rich culture heritage. Narrow streets and tight houses are a special charm of the town. Piran is an administrative centre of the local area and also important Slovenian tourist centre.
all rights of this site are reserved author: Boštjan Burger , 1996 - 2002