Burger Landmarks

Republic of Ireland


Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion

Burger.si je Mojaslovenija.si
Slovenščina   Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Éire (Republic of Ireland)

location: North-Westrn Europe

capital: Dublin
population: ~ 5.3 million.

country area: total: 70,273 km2

land: 68,883 km2

water: 1,390 km2
coastline: 1,448 km,

the lowest point: Atlantic Ocean(0 m )

highest point: Carrauntoohil (1,038 m / 1,041 m)


Skellig Michael

Cliffs of Moher


Killarney National Park,

Kerry Way , Carrauntoohil Horseshoe Loop Trail, Beara Way,

Fjord Killary


Uragh Stone Circle , Cashelkeelty stone circles (Five stone circle & Multiple stone circle)

size: 3.5 times the size of Slovenia

Burger Landmarks / MojaSlovenija.si

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025