Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


Sluice gates on the Ljubljanica River

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion

Virtualni muzej arhitekturnih del Jožeta Plečnika :: VIRTUAL MUSEUM

Sluice gates on Ljubljanica River (1939-44)
Sluice gates are a monument of national importance (Decree 2009). The sluice gates connects the left and right banks of the Ljubljanica River between the former Barracks of Šempeter and Ambrožev trg in Ljubljana. The barrier was built to regulate the height and flow of the river through the center of Ljubljana. The sluice gates was also designed as a pedestrian bridge that would close the waterfront promenade and turn it back toward the center of the city. 12.25 m, closed by two pairs of barriers: the pair consists of a lower rolling bar and an upper sliding barrier. The threshold level is at an elevation of 281.41 m above sea level. The supports are lined with stone, all reminiscent of the architecture of the temples. They are adorned on one side with columns of Doric capitals with some Etruscan vessels carved with dragon heads and on the other with columns of Ionian capitals with stylized human heads carrying a footbridge across the river. The roof of the struts is accentuated by a decorative garland. Project authors: architect Jože Plečnik and sculptor Bozidar Pengov.

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