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#5. Čebelnjak.V
življenju slovenskega človeka je čebelarstvo vedno zavzemalo pomembo vlogo.
Med je uporabljal kot sladilo, zdravilo in pomirilo, iz medu je pripravljal
pecivo in pijače, iz voska je vlival sveče. Tudi Rogatec in njegova okolica
imata bogato čebelarsko tradicijo. Podobno kot drugi kraji je v času med
obema vojnama tudi Rogatec premogel svojo lectarijo, čebelnjak kot samostojna
arhitektura pa že v 19.st. postane sestavni del kmečke domačije. Izmed
panjev različnih vrst so bili do 2.svet. vojne v rogaškem okolišu najbolj
razširjeni slamnati koši "korbiči", medtem ko se - sicer v Sloveniji najbolj
znani panji - "kranjiči" na tem prostoru niso uveljavili. Zato bomo tukaj
zaman iskali poslikane panjske končnice, ki sicer veljajo za slovensko
Beehive. Beekeeping has always played a prominent role in life of a . Honey has been used as a sweetener, medicine or a stimulant. It has been indispensable in making pastry and all sorts of drinks while beewax has been used for making candles. Rogatec and its surroundings are no exception to the rich apicultural tradition. Simirarly as other villages in the period of time between the two wars, Rogatec too had its own gingerbread shop. A beehive as an independent architecture became a constituent part of a farm in the 19th century. Until the 2nd World War the most popular type of hives in Rogatec and its surroundings were baskets made of straw - "korbiči". Painted beehives, which are the most typical hives in Slovenia and are, in fact, considered a peculiarity, never took roots in this area. All rights of this site are reserved. Author: Boštjan Burger, July 2005 |