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Viničarska hiša. Rogatec je obdan z vinogradi.
Vinogradništvo je bilo na teh prostorih že od nekdaj pomembna gospodarska
panoga, vino pa pomemben dejavnik podeželanovega vsakdana. Prvenstveno
kot pijača in okrepčilo, če že ne hrana, po drugi strani pa kot vezivo
družabnega življenja. Mnogim je vino predstavljalo tudi vir zaslužka, t.i.
viničarjem (značilnim predvsem za Haloze in Slovenske gorice) pa celo neposredno
preživetje. Kot najrevnejši podeželski sloj so obdelovali tuje vinograde,
v zameno za opravljeno delo pa so s svojo družino smeli prebivati nad vinsko
kletjo. Žal je viničarskim družinam poleg vsega pomanjkanja in garanja
pogosto pretila tudi nevarnost pretiranega iskanja utehe v pijači oz. alkoholizma.
Viničarska hiša v muzeju je posnetek originalne stavbe v vasi Dobrina pri
Žetalah. Danes je namenjena gostinsko turistični dejavnosti Muzeja.
Vinedresser's cottage.Rogatec is surrounded by vineyards. Viticulture has always been a prominent economic branch in these parts, and wine itself was an important factor in a provincial's everyday life. On one hand as a pick-me-up, if not food, and on the other as an integral part of social life. For many wine represented a means of earning some extra money while vinedressers (characteristic of the areas Haloze and Slovenske gorice) earned their living through wine. As vinedressers represented the lowest social class in the countryside, they had to work at other people's vineyards and it return they were allowed to lodge above the wine cellar with their families. Unfortunately, beside having to do hard work and sufferig scarcity, a vinedresser's family was often stricken by alcoholism. The vinedresser's cottage in the Museum is an imitation of the original building from village Dobrina near Žetale. Today the cottage has the function of catering trade in the museum. All rights of this site are reserved. Author: Boštjan Burger, July 2005 |