Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

povratne brzice / reversing rapids

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slovenščina Povratne brzice. Naravni pojav povratnih brzic povzroča visoka razlika med plimo in oseko. Ob plimi teče morska voda pri izlivu v morje v rečno korito, ob oseki se brzice obrnejo in voda teče v znižano gladino morskega zaliva. Pojav je znan pri izlivu reke St. John v prvinci New Brunswick v Kanadi. Pojav obratnega rečnega toka seže vse do glavnega mesta New Brunswicka, Frederictowna, ki leži 120 km v notranjosti.

glej: _ bibavica _

slovensko Reversing rapids. The phenomenon of the Reversing Rapids is caused by the extreme amplitude, the rise and fall of the tides. Well known reversal rapids are on St. John River at St. John, New Brunswick in Canada. The natural southward-facing opening of the Bay of Fundy receives the on rushing ocean tides directly like a funnel. The tidewater is normal when it enters the bay at its widest point. But the farther up the bay it travels the more it changes. It is, in effect, squeezed by the ever-narrowing sides and the constant hallowing of the bottom forcing the water higher up the shores. The low tide running out of the bay collides with the new, incoming high tide, combining forces to make a higher wave coming in. The combination of wave forces is called resonance.

see: _ tide _

Honeywell rocks
Povratne brzice reke St. John v Fundijskem zalivu, Kanada.
Reversal rapids of St. John River at the St. John, Bay of Fundy.


Burger Landmarks / _ Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025