Piedmontsko gorsko polje ima značilnosti kraškega robnega polja. Strm hudournik nanaša aluvialni nanos v gorsko kotanjo z izravnavo v ravno dno. Nasipavanje materiala in dotok vode je periodičen. Na dnu polja so ponori s prepustnostjo vode glede na prepustnost nanešenega materiala. Ko je dotok vode hitrejši od prepuščanja vode skozi dno, nastane vodna akumulacija. glej: _ kraško polje
Piedmont polje is a polje which is positioned in a vadose zone and with the characteristic of polje with the inflow of the mountain torrent which filled polje with outwash deposits from the steep mountain slope. The bottom of polje is levelled with the deposits which are with the impermeable layer but ponors. When the inflow of the water is faster than the outflow through the ponors then the water accumulation appears for some hours or even days.
see: _ polje |