slovenščina SLOVENIA 1914-1918 Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Mrzli vrh

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion je

The area of the Mt. Mrzli vrh (1358) (virtual excursion) was important strategic location and defense position of Austro-Hungarian Army to prevent Italian Army to invade the inner land of the monarch. Due the fanatic attacks of Italian soldiers, threatened with the punishment and court-martial and wrathful defense of Austro-Hungarian soldiers, the battlefield on Mt. Mrzli Vrh was the bloodiest of all in the upper Soča Region
The ridge was crisscrossed with numerous Austro-Hungarian and Italian trenches and caverns. Although with enormous casualties, the Italian Army never succeeded to break the defense. On October 24th Austro-Hungarian soldiers ignited the dreadful mine explosion inside the dug tunnel which ravaged the Italian platoon and opened the front line for the counter attack. It was the day when the united Austro-Hungarian and German troops broke the frontline and pushed Italian armies 90 km west to the Piave River.

Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025