Triglavski narodni park


Triglav national park

[Slovenija|Triglav national park|Pokljuka]
Pokljuka Latitude: ~46° 24' North / Longitude: ~13° 53' East (~1200 >)

Pokljuka is a densely wooded tableland in Eastern Julian Alps (Julijske Alpe). Feaures of the tableland are also alpine moores (Sijec (picture above), Goreljek and Veliko Blejsko barje). The tableland is situated between the Radovna and Krma valley (north / northeast).Southeastern edge of the tableland has a steep descent towards the Sava Bohinjka River (Pirašiški slap/waterfall, Mokri Log/waterfalls). Charcoal burning for a support of ironworks in the Bohinj area in the century caused that huge beech tree and fir tree forests were cut out. Later reforestation gave priority to pine tree, which is the predominating species of tree in this area.

Barje Šijec(ALPINE MOOR)

Planina Kranjska dolina (PASTURE)

Pokljuška soteska (FOSIL GORGE)

Rudno Polje - zima (winter / CROSSCOUNTRY SKIING)


[Slovenija|Triglav national park]