slovenščina Esperanto SLOVENIA TNP    
Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Bohinjsko jezero

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion (autumn 2015)

3D Stereo 360°

Juliana Trail: etapa 7. : Stara Fužina - Bohinjska Bistrica je

Bohinj Lake is the largest permanent and natural lake in Slovenia. The lake's surface is at an altitude of ~ 525 m. The lake is 4350 m long (the longest diagonal), the largest width (S-J) is 1250 m and the deepest part of the lake is 45 m - the surface of the lake is 318 ha. The length of the lake is 10,900 m. The lake is a glacial-tectonic origin: the original bark was created by the intense erosion of the glacier to the surface. The glacier bounced the bottom and covered it with the frontal seas in the eastern part of the lake. The main tributary of the lake is Savica, which in the western part of the lake breathes through the sea with boulders and flows into the lake at Ukanc. The lake is flowing - from the lake the Jezernica River flows, which, after less than 100 m, along the left side, flows from the Vojnik to Mostnica, forms the river Sava Bohinjka. At the northern edge of the lake there are several underwater karst springs, the most famous karstic spring of Govic.
Interestingly, the height of the lake was 16 m higher than at the end of the last ice age, and at that time the lake reached the present-day settlement Stara Fužina, as indicated by the local fossil lake terraces. Bohinj Lake was included in the Triglav National Park area in 1981. A beautiful view of the lake is from the peak Mirčin peak (1540m).

Bohinj lake in winter 2004.

Literatura:Firbas. P., 2001. Vsa slovenska jezera : Leksikon slovenskih stoječih voda, Delo, str. 84-88, Kunaver J., 1999. Slovenija - pokrajina in ljudje, Mladinska knjiga, str. 60, Skica jezera: fotografija informativne table TNP, februar 2004

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Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025