Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Soteska Castle

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Ruins of Manor house Soteska are situated on the left bank of Krka River on the south-east edge of Suha krajina region. The manor house is 10 km south-east from Žužemberk and 4 km north-west from the municipality centre Dolenjske Toplice. Nowadays remains of the former majestic manor house with the square shaped plan with the corner towers are on the place of manor house burned down in 2nd World War in 1943. The manor house was built in 1689 by count Jurij Žiga Gallenberg. East from the remains of the manor house is the preserved park with the garden pavilion – known by folks name a »Devils tower«. The garden pavilion in the form of a four-piece clover is the only building that has been preserved since 1943, burnt down the Soteska Castle. Due to the rampant entertainment of former owners, the Counts of Gallenberg, it was named "The Devils tower" centuries ago.

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