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Konec februarja 1944 je bila zgrajena nova velika
baraka za ranjence, ki so jo imenovali "septika". Imela je prizidek
za septično operacijsko sobo. V njej je od sredine junija za potrebe Slovenske
centralne vojaške partizanske bolnice (SCVPB)začela z delom bakteriološka
preiskovalnica. Aprila je bilo v bolnišnici nekaj porodov.
In late February 1944 another large building for the wounded was erected, the patiens called it "septika", because it contained a facility for septic surgery. There, a bacteriological laboratory was set up in mid June 1944 for the needs if the Central War Partisan Hospital. In April several child births took place at the hospital. |
Partizanska bolnišnica Zgornji Hrastnik (Partisan
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site are reserved. Avtor: Boštjan Burger, September 2005, tekst: Jože Saje