Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


Ljubljana funerary complex (All Saints Garden)

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion(2015)

Virtualni muzej arhitekturnih del Jožeta Plečnika :: VIRTUAL MUSEUM

The farewell complex in Žale (“Garden of All Saints”, also Plečnik's Žale) is located 2.5 km from the city center in the northeastern part of Ljubljana. The plan for the construction of the farewell complex was made by the architect Jože Plečnik in 1937, and in 1938 under the leadership of the builder Emil Tomažič construction began, which lasted until the second half of 1940. The project according to Jože Plečnik it was never completely completed. In the early 1990s, the Garden of All Saints was professionally renovated under the leadership of former Plečnik's assistant Vlasto Kopač. In 2007, the Garden of All Saints received the European Heritage Label from an intergovernmental initiative.
According to the architect's vision, the space where the complex of fourteen mortuaries, named after the patrons of Ljubljana parishes, is a carefully planned space, which is not a place for mourning but above all a place for consolation and Christian hope. Plečnik created an intimate space for the bereaved and the deceased, who remained a personality even in death. The entrance to the farewell complex is through the triumphal arch towards the central space of the complex. On the triumphal arch is a double statue of Jesus and Mary by sculptor Boris Kalin. The mortuary towers, which are architecturally different, are named after Ljubljana's churches: the mortuary of St. Peter, St. Nicholas, St. Ahaca, st. John, the chapel of Adam and Eve and the double chapel of St. Mary and St. Jakoba, sv. Joseph and St. Anton, st. Andrej and Sv. Francis and St. Cyril and Methodius and St. Yuri. Literature:
Hrausky, A. , Koželj, J. , Prelovšek, D. 1996: Plečnik's Ljubljana. A guide to architecture. Ljubljana. Krečič, P. 1992: Jože Plečnik. Ljubljana. Prelovšek, D. , Kopač, V. 1992: Žale arhitekta Jože Plečnika. Ljubljana.

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