#4 Kulturnozgodovinska zbirka: V kulturnozgodovinski
zbirki je prikazana zgodovina Bele krajine od okoli leta 1200 dalje, ko
je Kolpa postala mejna reka med Kranjsko in Hrvaško. V 14. stoletju sta
bili ustanovljeni mesti Metlika in Črnomelj, ki sta zlasti težke čase doživljali
za časa Turkov v 15. in 16. stoletju.
#4 The cultural history
collection: The cultural history collection presents the history of
Bela Krajina from around 1200, when the Kolpa river became the border between
Carniola and Croatia. In the 14th century the towns of Metlika and Črnomelj
were founded; these underwent extreme hardship during the Turkish raids
in the 15th and 16th centuries.