Slovenščina English Esperanto SLOVENIJA JAME IN KRAS RPŠJ


Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Regijski park Škocjanske jame

Velika in Mala dolina je




Velikja dolina

2016: Velika dolina - virtualni sprehod (očala za navidezno realnost)

Doline "Velika dolina" - virtual tour (HMD)




360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

2006: #1. Razgledišče s pogledom na Malo dolino.
Belvedere - view to Mala dolina.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

#2. Potka nad naravnim mostom.
Trail above the natural bridge

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Razgledišče s pogledom na Malo dolino.
Belvedere - view to Mala dolina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

#3. Dno Male doline (udornice)
The bottom of Mala dolina (the bottom of the collapsed dolina)

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #4. Mala dolina - stara pot proti vhodu v Mahorčičevo jamo.
Mala dolina - old trail to the entrance into Mahorčičeva jama (cave).
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #5. Naravni most med Veliko in Malo dolino.
Natural bridge between Velika dolina and Mala dolina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #6. Most nad slapom.
The bridge above the waterfall.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #7. Pod naravnim mostom med udornicama.
Below the natural bridge inbetween the collapsed dolines.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #8. Pod naravnim mostom med udornicama.
Below the natural bridge inbetween the collapsed dolines.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #9. Pod naravnim mostom med udornicama - slapovi.
Below the natural bridge inbetween the collapsed dolines - waterfalls.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #10. Pod naravnim mostom med udornicama - slapovi.
Below the natural bridge inbetween the collapsed dolines - waterfalls.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #11. Pod naravnim mostom med udornicama - slapovi.
Below the natural bridge inbetween the collapsed dolines - waterfalls.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #12. Velika dolina - na levem bregu slapa.
Velika dolina - on the left bank of the waterfall.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #13. Vhod v Tominčevo jamo. Krausov vodnjak v Tominčevi jami napaja kapnica iz velikega stalaktita. Piramida v levem kotu jamskega vhoda pa ponazarja nivo tal v jami, preden so jo začeli v 19. stoletju arheološko raziskovati.
Entrance to Tominčeva jama (cave). The Kraus Well in the Tominec Cave is filled by the water dripping from a great stalactite. The pyramid by the entrance to the cave signs the floor level before the archeological excavations were started in the 19th century.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #14. Iz dna Velike doline, kjer reka v slapu napaja manjše jezero, teče voda proti zadnjemu ponoru Reke v Škocjanskih jamah.
From the Velika dolina, where there is a small lake, fed by a waterfall, the Reka flows towards its last sinkhole in the Škocjan Caves.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #15. Dno Velike doline zaliva jezero, obdano z naplavinami, ki se pogosto ustavijo na velikih kamnitih blokih.
There is a lake at the bottom of the Velika dolina, surrounded by alluvium deposits that often remain on huge rocks there.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #16. Tominčeva jama.
Tominčeva jama - cave.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #17. Velika dolina - vhod v Tominčevo jamo.
Velika dolina - the entrance to Tominčeva jama (cave).
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #18. Velika dolina.
Velika dolina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Škocjanske jame
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Škocjanske jame
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #19. Muzej.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #20. Škocjan - naselje.
Škocjan - the settlement.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #21. Notranjost cerkve sv. Kancijana.
Interior of the church.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #22. Notranjost cerkve sv. Kancijana.
Interior of the church.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #23. Pred cerkvijo sv. Kancijana v Škocjanu.
At the church.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #24. Cerkev ima ločen zvonik.
The church has a seperated churchbell tower.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #25. Škocjan - razgledišče na sotesko reke Reke.
Škocjan - vista to the gorge of Reka river.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #26. Škocjan - razgledišče na sotesko reke Reke, informacijska tabla.
Škocjan - vista to the gorge of Reka river, information panel.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #27. Škocjan - razgledišče na sotesko reke Reke.
Škocjan - vista to the gorge of Reka river.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #28. Brezno Okroglica. Približno 100 m globoko brezno sega v Mahorčičevo jamo
The abyss Okroglica. About 100 deep abyss extends to the cave of Mahorčič.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #29. Škocjan - nad Malo dolino.
Škocjan - above Mala dolina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #30. Škocjan - nad Malo dolino.
Škocjan - above Mala dolina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #31. Škocjan - cesta proti Betanji.
Škocjan - the road to Betanja.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #32. Pogled na sotesko reke Reke - v ospredju je območje Nad Malni.
View to the gorge of Reka river.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #33. Betanja - hiša s kamnito streho.
Betanja - house with the 'stone' roof.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #34. Razgledišče na severni strani naravnega mosta - ločnice med Malo in Veliko dolino.
View to Mala and Velika dolina from the north side of natural bridge.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #35. Udornica - Dol Lisičina.
Colapsed dolina - Dol Lisičina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #36. Udornica - Dol Lisičina.
Colapsed dolina - Dol Lisičina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Razgledišče nad Veliko dolino.

Panoramic view to Velika dolina

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #37. Matavun - učna pot, rudarski vozički.
Matavun - education trail, pit railway.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #38. Matavun - učna pot, rudarski vozički, kal.
Matavun - education trail, pit railway, pond.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #39. Matavun - učna pot (št. 22), kal.
Matavun - education trail (No. 22), pond.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography #40. Matavun - učna pot (št. 23), rudarski vozički iz premogovnika.
Matavun - education trail (No. 23), pit railway from coalmine.

Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025