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Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


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Dobrepolje is a polje between Mala gora in the west and the area of ​​Dry landscape in the east. The largest settlement is Videm, the municipal center of the municipality of Dobrepolje. Dobrepolje is 12 km long (153 °) and the widest (2800 m) between Podpeč on the eastern edge and Zagorico on the western edge. To the south of Podgora is the Krka watercourse, which is about 500 m long. On the eastern edge of the Dobrepolje south to the Struga valley there are caves: Podpeška Cave, which was already described by Valvasor, Dolenja jama, Tatrca, Potiskavška jama, Kavčja jama and Podtaborska jama among the first caves in the world. The Karst field is not fully balanced, and from the north, from the altitude of 450 m above sea level (Predstruge) to the south, it drops by 32 m to an altitude of 418 m (Potiskavec). The northern Dobrepolje area is dry, south, where it is the narrowest, and in the Mlak area floods are regular every year. The waters from Dobrepolje are led to the Radenska field and the Krka River.

Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025