Vegetacijska inverzija. Posledica temperaturne inverzijje v gorskih depresijah je običajno vegetacijska inverzija, kar pomeni, da v temperaturnih pasovih proti dnu depresije, (vrtače, udornice, dola…) najdemo tiste rastline, ki so običajno razporejene v zonalnih pasovih proti vrhu gora.
glej: _ gozdna meja
Vegetation inversion. Altitudinal zonation in regions with hi relief describes the natural layering of ecosystems which occurs at distinct altitudes due to varying environmental conditions. The temperature and the solar radiation are important factors in determining altitudinal zones, which consequently support different vegetation. In depressions, that is the landform depressed below the surrounding area the vegetation inversion appears. Vegetation inversion is caused by the temperature inversion in depression. In Lopučniška dolina is a nice example of vegetation inversion. see: _ tree line |