Izraz "kanjon" izhaja iz španske besede 'cañón' - kanal. Kanjon je rečna dolina kjer gredo pobočni procesi v časovnem koraku z globinskim vrezovanjem vodotoka. Kanjon nastane, ko se reka vrezuje v vodoravno ležeče geološke sklade z menjavanjem trših in mehkejših plasti. Rob kanjona je oglat in strm ker ni bil podvržen močni eroziji.
The term "canyon" is taken from the Spanish word 'cañón', meaning 'tube'. Canyon
is a deep ravine between pairs of escarpments or cliffs and is most often carved from the landscape by the erosive activity of a river over geologic timescales.
The walls of the canyon remain steep and angular because they are not worn and softened by frequent rainfall and surface drainage.