Pred obzidjem nekdanjega tabora iz 16. stoletja.
Walls of the fortified encampment from the 16th century. |
Razgled na območje Ljubljane in reko Savo.
Vista to the area of Ljubljana and Sava Rive. |
Zvonik - nekdanji obrambni stolp.
Church tower - former defence tower.
Razgled proti Kamniško-Savinjskim Alpam.
Vista to Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe. |
Znotraj obzidja.
Inside the walls. |
Znotraj obzidja.
Inside the walls. |
Notranjost baročne cerkve Matere Božje.
Baroque Church of the Mother of God. |
Notranjost cerkve Matere Božje - oltar.
Baroque Church of the Mother of God - the altar. |
Znotraj obzidja - pokopališče.
Inside the walls - the cementery. |