Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


Burger Landmarksvirtual excursion

> Autumn

> Winter

Overall Height: 222 feet / 68 m
Tallest Single Drop: 171 feet / 52 m
Total Number of Drops: 2
Waterfall Type: plunge
Watercourse: Peričnik
Average Width: NA
Volume : NA
Max. Recorded Volume: N/A
Best Flows: autumn/spring
Known Alternate Names: Slap Peričnik
Lokacija: TNP, Vrata (GPS WGS 84)
N:46°2060'21" E:13°54'02"
Elevation (bottom) ~ 2600 feet 725 m

Peričnik is a waterfall and stream that flows from the high valley into the glacial valley of the Vrata. Peričnik waterfall is one of the most famous waterfalls in Slovenia. We can talk about two waterfalls: 16 m high Upper Peričnik and 52 m high Lower Peričnik. When referring to the Peričnik waterfall, we have in mind the powerful jet of water of the lower waterfall, which is pumping over a 52 m high wall. If you head down the opposite bank of Bistrica below the waterfall and a few tens of meters up the scree, you can admire the picturesque image of the two waterfalls. As two mighty guards, they guard the glacial valley of the Gate. The periche is protected as a natural landmark, as there have been quite a few ideas in the past about harnessing the power of its water to generate electricity. The waterfall repeatedly changed its course when cutting the wall. Looking closely at its top, we can see grooves in the wall. In the 1930s, the riverbed over the lower Peričnik became clogged and for some time the Peričnik ran like a two-lane waterfall. Today, this happens only with the highest rainfall ... The pericolus is, by some means, a world-famous special species: only under a small waterfall can we also walk, so we go for a waterfall. The waterfall from the back can be enjoyed at the upper and lower waterfalls.

ACCESS: Access to the waterfall below is easy, as it can be reached directly by car from Mojstrana. In Mojstrana, we must pay attention to the turning of the road towards the Vrata valley and the Aljaž home. After about three kilometers drive to the log cabin below Peričnik. Here is the board of the Triglav National Park Administration with information about the waterfalls. Just a few steps down the path, and we are already under the magnificent 52 m high lower Peričnik. We can also walk around it, but a waterproof windbreaker and helmet are recommended. In addition to the waterfall, it crawls millions of tiny droplets through the wall, especially through the rain. If practically everyone can get there, then we have to do a little more work on the upper Peričnik. A short but rather steep path rises along the right bank of the stream to another 16 m high waterfall. The upper waterfall is quite similar to the lower one, as we can also 'walk' around it. It is worth noting here that the descent to the top of the lower waterfall is not safe, as it can be quickly swept over a wall over 50 m high. If you decide to take a trip to Pericnik, the most beautifully arranged hiking trail from Mojstrana is on the right bank of the Bistrica stream.

Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025