About 12 km notheastern from Postojna
is situated Predjamski
grad (The Jama (cave) Castle). It is one of the most picturesque
castles in Slovenia. Castle was built-up into the ovehanging rock and vista
to that combination of a nature and man work is really great. Walk throug
the castle halls is an unique event. Very realistic man size dummies are
presenting ancient life of the castle. There is also a museum collection
and ancient armoury. Below the castle is "Jama pod Predjamskim gradom"
(Cave below the Castle) where use to be horse studs. The castle was first
mentioned in 1274.
TOURNAMENT with international participants from Slovenia, Italy, the Czech
Republic and Serbia - 20th august 2006.
Erazmus Knight's Tournament festival at the picturesque
Predjamski Castle, near Postojna offered visitors a window into the past
in the Middle Ages in 16th century through jousting and sword fighting
competitions. There was a medieval market and other events featuring people
in period dress, as well as period food, song and dance.
Knights, swordsmen and archers shown their skills on the field of Combat.
The 'star' and the historic character were knight Erasmus who was the famous
inhabitant of the castle and his friend Andreas Baumkircher who protected
Vienna from the Turks in that time. Throughout the day people were dressed
in the costumes of the 16th century. |
Približno 12 km severnozahodno od
Postojne stoji grad Jama.
Grajska stavba zapolnjuje visoko previsno steno in pogled nanjo je prava
paša za oči. Sprehod skozi grad je enkratno doživetje-domiselno postavljene
(zelo realistične) lutke ponazarjajo življenjski utrip nekdanjega srednjeveškega
gradu. V gradu je urejena tudi manjša muzejska zbirka ter srednjeveška
orožarna. Pod gradom je Jama pod Predjamskim gradom z nekdanjimi konjskimi
hlevi, v zgornjem delu - notranjščini skalne dupline nad gradom pa so ostanki
legendarnega Erazmovega gradu. Grad je bil prvič omenjen leta 1274. Leta
1483 je tržaški glavar Gašper Ravbar v njem s prevaro premagal roparskega
viteza Erazma.
UDELEŽBO IZ ITALIJE, ČEŠKE IN SRBIJE. Predjama, 20. avgust 2006.
Erazmov viteški turnir pri slikovitem Predjamskem
gradu blizu Postojne je obiskovalcem ponudil 'okno v preteklost', v srednji
vek - 16. stoletje, s prikazi turnirskega bojevanja iz tistega časa. K
vzdušju je prispevala srednjeveška tržnica in ostali dogodki v katerih
so bili ljudje oblečeni v oblačila tistega časa, vključno s kulinarično
ponudb pesmimi in plesom. Vitezi, mečevalci in lokostrelci so pokazali
svojo spretnost bojevanja. Zvezda prireditve in osrednji zgodovinski lik
sta bila vitez Erazem, ki je bil najslavnejši prebivalec gradu in njegov
prijatelj Andreas Baumkircher, ki je v tistem času zaščitil Dunaj pred
turki. |