Poslopje parlamenta - Šubičeva ulica in Trg republike
Parliament building - Šubičeva Street and The
Square of the Republic
Predverje velike dvorane
The vestibule of the Large Hall
Hodnik in predverje velike dvorane
The vestibule of the Large Hall
Velika dvorana - galerija
The large hall - the gallery
Velika dvorana - desno krilo
The large hall - right wing
Velika dvorana - levo krilo
The large hall - left wing
Vhodno predverje
The entrance
Predverje galerije
The vestibule of the gallery
Mala dvorana
The Small Hall
Mala dvorana
The Small Hall
Freska slikarja Slavka Pengova iz leta 1958 v predverju velike dvorane.
The mural from 1958 in the vestibule of the Great
Figure pred vhodom v poslopje parlamenta.
The portal sculptures .