Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Palenkovo slapišče

<h3>virtualna ekskurzija 360°</h3> :: Virtual excursion

virtual excursion 360° je

Waterfall Palenk is jointed from the three stages of the waterfall (28m+23m+27m n.v.). Perhaps it is one of the most visited waterfalls in Slovenia. Flow of the brook is permanent but the best view is in a springtime and the fall. A general apperance is like a fan type of the waterfall. The slope is turned to ice in a winter. The flow of the brook is very modest in a summer season.
ACCESS: It is quite easy and suiSolcava to Logarska dolina. From the "Dom v Logarski dolini" (hotel) only 50 m.

Overall Height: ~ 78 meters

Tallest Single Drop: 28 meters

Total Number of Drops: 3

Waterfall Type: cascades Watercourse: Palenk brook.

Average Width: N/A

Volume : variable Max.

Recorded Volume: N/A

Best Flows: spring, autumn

Known Alternate Names: Slap Palenk

Location: Logarska dolina (GPS WGS 84): N:46°23'53"E:14°37'58"

Altitude (bottom n.v.) ~ 821 m.

Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025