Slovenščina SLOVENIJA CAVES je

Čolniči - Obrh

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion je

Slovenščina Čolnici-Obrh Cave is not a 'usual' cave as it is a vent-hole and a spring of the Obrh brook (Jezerščica brook) which flows into the intermediate lake Cerkniško jezero. The entry into the cave was discovered already in the year 2007 by the spelunking team of DLKJ lead by Slovenian geographer Matej Kržič but the further exploration was not possible due the nature of the cave which is in the epifreatic zone (maybe even freatic zone), that means that the cave is below the water. The low rainfall in a time from 15th to 17th September, 2011 dried the siphons and the entry into the cave was possible trough the tight passages right to the dried subterranean riverbed. The visualization displays the cave from the entry with the tree roots hanging from the roof of the narrow passage trough the passages in dolomite with the manganese oxide and covered with the yellowish mud. The walls of the dried riverbed and the roof are with the extraordinary »micro-chimneys« caused most probably due the very fast rise of the subterranean water flow which has captured the air bubbles. The present visualization covers 1500 m of the cave. The same day of the visualisation, the exploration team has discovered over the 1000 new meters of the cave with the caverns covered with the 1.5 m long thin stalactites (Slovenian: spaghetti) and skeletons of Ice Age bears.

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025