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Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Jablje Castle

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Jablje Castle (Jable, Habach) is located in Loka pri Mengeš in the municipality of Mengeš. The building stands on the border between the secluded karst world of Rašica and the western edge of the Mengeš field. There are therefore several smaller springs in the vicinity of the castle, below the castle there is a water cave from which a stream flows, the left tributary of the river Pšata. The architecture and exterior of today's castle dates from the first half of the 16th century. After the Second World War, the castle was looted by the local population, nationalized, partly transformed into apartments and partly into the premises of the Biotechnical Faculty. Renovation work has been going on at the castle since 1999, and in 2008 the building already served as a protocol building. The biggest attraction of the castle are the frescoes by the Baroque painter Franc Jelovšek. The castle is partly open to the public and has a wedding hall. Next to the castle is a small but picturesque pond.

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