#1. Tempelj kraljice Hačepsut
The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
#2. Tempelj kraljice Hačepsut - spodnji nivo.
The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
- the lower ramp
#3. Tempelj kraljice Hačepsut - srednji nivo.
The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
- the middel ramp.
#4. Neobnovljeni tempelj Montuhotepa I.
The Temple of Monthuhotep
I. which was has been not reconstructed.
#5. Tempelj kraljice Hačepsut - gornji nivo.
Kipi Osirisa, ki so še ostali ohranjeni.
The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
- the upper ramp. Osiris statues which remain.
#6. Tempelj kraljice Hačepsut - gornji nivo
The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
- the upper ramp.