Slapovi - Waterfalls - PANORAME

-English Waterfall Dictionary (March 1996)
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Alpe = the Alps
alpinum, alpinetum = Alpine botanic garden
apnenec = limestone
balvan = boulder (big rock, which was brought by the glacier)
breča = breccia (sticked rubble)
bruhalnik = vent-hole (karst feature - Boka, Soča spring, Savica spring, Nadiža spring...)
brezno = abyss
brzice = stream with very fast flow, (white waters, rapids)
bučač = very noisy waterfall
bučanje = roaring, booming
bučati = to roar, to boom
curek = a jet of water
desno = right
dež = rain
dihalnik = breathing hole (karst feature), hole where air from the karst underground is comming out
dolbina = cavity, excavation
dolbeči slap (tip) = excavating waterfall
drasla, draslja = hollow in a stone like a pot
drseči slap = waterfall with the flow on the rock slope (slope must be more than 45 degrees)
drsnik = waterfall with the flow on the rock slope (slope must be more than 45 degrees)
enopramenski slap = waterfall with one stream
enostopenjski slap = waterfall with one grade
evorzija = excavation with the water (with the sand and rubble)
fliš = flysch (crockery with exchanging layer of the marl and sandstone)
globel = dell (ozka globel = gulch - narrow dell)
globok = deep
gora = mountain
gorska steza = montain track
graben = ditch *fig. = ravine
grapa = ravine, mountain gorge
grmečica = very noisy waterfall or stream
grmenje = roaring, booming
grmeti = to roar, to boom
groblja = heap of stones
grušč = rubble ( very small and sharp stones, very small sharp rocks)
guba = fault
hidrografija = hydrography
hidrologija = hydrology
hrib = hill
hudournik = steep mountain stream which flow is dramatically increased after the rain, torrent
intermitentni studenec = intermittent spring
izdolbina = cavity
izvir = spring
jama = cave
jezero = lake
Julijci = Julian Alps (short name), Alps on the north-west part of Slovenia)
Julijske Alpe = Julian Alps
kamenina = crockery
kanjon = canyon
Karavanke = Karavanken mountains (Alps on the northern part of Slovenia)
kaskada = cascade (many sequenced small waterfalls)
katarakt = cataract (very high waterfall with very strong permanent and quite wide water flow)
klavže = a dam used to retain water for the trunks floating into the riverbed.
konjski rep = horsetail (waterfall like plunge waterfalll)
korito = evorsion channel (water channel excavated in a crockery)
kotel = small oval valley
kotla = like "drasla", but much larger (larger hollow in a stone like a pot)
kotlina = sink, hollow, depression, basin
kras = karst, limestone region, (English word "karst" is coming from "kras")
Kras = limestone region in Slovenia
kraški pojav = karst feature
ledenik = glacier
ledeniška groblja = moraine, heap of stones (because of the glacier)
lehnjak = tufa (tufa waterfalls are constructive waterfalls)
levo = left
ležarca = stream with the slide waterfalls (and very steep streambed - "it lie on the slope"), old name
luknja = hole
m (meter) = metre (
1 m = 3,28 feet)
markacija = mountain sign (In Slovenia red circle with white center painted along the footpathl)
mehek = soft
moč = power
morena = moraine, heap of stones (because of the glacier)
morenski = morainic
na dnu = at the bottom
naklon = slope, inclination
obrh = strong karst spring below the rock wall
odtok = drainage
odtočna voda = drainage (water)
opis = description
ovinek = turn
ozka globel = gulch - narrow dell
pahljačasti slap = fan ( waterfall, which is narrow on the top nad wide on the bottom)
padec = fall
parabola = parabola, plunge (waterfall with free-falling water, without coming into contact with the rock wall)
pesek = sand
plast = stratum
plitev = shallow, not deep
pojav = feature (kraški pojav = karst feature)
ponikalnica = river or a stream which sink in the karst underground
porečje = river basin
poplava = flood, overflow
Posavje = basin of the river Sava
Posočje = basin of the river Soča
potok = stream, creek, brook
povirje = upper part of the river stream where are springs
pramen = stream (dvopramenski slap = waterfall divided on two streams)
prelaz = mountain pass
prelomnica = fault
prepad = abyss
pritok (potoka,reke) = affluent (stream, river)
prosto padajoči slap = plunge (waterfall with free-falling water, without coming into contact with the rock wall)
rečica = small river
rokav (rečni) = branch of the river
skakalec = jumper (waterfall with the jump - plunge waterfall from 1 to 3 m)
skala = rock, cliff
skočnik, skačnik = like "slapič", but in cascades, jumper
skok = plunge (waterfall with free-falling water, but not necessary by the name, example: Skok)
slap = waterfall
slap iza plastnice = waterfall hidden from the back of the fault (the rock wall)
slapič = usually fall less than 5 m, little waterfall
slapišče = stream with two or more waterfalls on very short distance
slapovi = waterfalls (pl.)
Slovenija = Slovenia
sneg = snow
snežnica = snow-water (stream from the melting snow or glacier)
solzaj = very thin and permanent spring or stream, permanently wet rockwall with thin springs
sopot, sapet, supot = old name for waterfall, usually stream where are whitewaters or small waterfalls
sopotnica = stream where are waterfalls (old name)
soteska = ravine, dell, glen, canyon
spodaj = below
spodnji = lower
srednji = middle
steza = path, footpath (gorska steza = montain track)
struga = riverbed, streambed
stopnja = grade, gradient, stage
strmec = slope of the steam or river
stran = side
studenec = spring, well
širina = width, latitude
šum = very noisy waterfall (but not necessarily), "noise maker"
šumelišče = white waters, stream with two or more (noisy) waterfalls on very short distance
šumnik = stream where are very noisy waterfalls
talnica = underground water
tesen = very narrow valley with river or brook
tok (vodni) = flow
tolmun = stream pool, river pool
trd = hard
umikajoči slap = waterfall with withdraw (such waterfall is slowly moving up to the steam)
večpramenski slap = waterfall with two or more streams
večstopenjski slap = waterfall with two or more grades
vintgar = very deep and narrow canyon
višina = height, elevation
voda = water
vrh = top, peak
vrtinec =whirlpool (vodni vrtinec = whirlpool of water)
zaganjalka = intermittent spring
zgoraj = above
zgornji = upper
žleb = channel
žlebiči = grooves (karst phenomenon where corroded limestone rock surface is proceeded by corrosion according to inclination of the rock).
štetje = Counting
prvi = the first
drugi = the second
tretji = the third
četrti = the fourth
peti = the fifth
šesti = the sixth
sedmi = the seventh
osmi = the eight
deveti = the ninth
številke = Numbers
1, ena = one
2, dva = two
3, tri = three
4, štiri = four
5, pet = five
6, šest = six
7, sedem = seven
8, osem = eihgt
9, devet = nine
10, deset = ten
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Virtual Slovenia
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About Slovenian waterfalls
O slapovih

Utrinki iz Slovenije - Images from Slovenia