Boštjan Burger

Slapovi Slovenije (1993-1998)

URL: internetna arheologija

Waterfalls of Slovenia

Slovenija|SLAPOVI SLOVENIJE - waterfalls|Podvolovljek|Solčava



Among the great sights in the Podvolovljek valley is certainly waterfall Cuc. It has height of 60 m (~ 200 feet). Its flow is very narrow but strong. At the entry to the gorge is a smaller waterfall with the height of 6 m. Above the brook is a mountain Veliki Rogatec (1557m). From the top of the mountain is a great panorama to the mountains around.

Overall Height: 200 feet / 60 meters Tallest Single Drop: 100 feet / 30 meters

Total Number of Drops: 2 (+2) Waterfall Type: segmented waterfall

Watercourse: ? Riherjev graben

Average Width: N/A Volume : N/A

Max. Recorded Volume: N/A Best Flows: spring, after the rainfall

Known Alternate Names: Slap Cuc

Location: Podvolovjek (GPS WGS 84) N:46°19'21" E:14°43'19"

Altitude (bottom) ~ 2000 feet / 600 metres

ACCESS: From the road Luce-Kamnik, Podvolovljek Valley. It is quite hard to find a road turn to the Rihar farm house. It is about 6 km from Luce to the left. Rogatec mountain is seen from there. Hike could start at the Rihar farm house. Best way is to pass a meadow in the direction to the forest. A "hounting tree-observatory" is noticeable there. Rut leads into the forest, but after 50 m is a signpost and a marked path leadst to the highest waterfall Cuc. Note: On maps the name of gorge is Rogacnikov graben but locals name it Riherjev graben. Waterfalls: lower "noiser"|lower waterfall|waterfall CUC|upper "noiser"

* "noiser" - means not real waterfall, lower than 5 m - 15 feet (like cascade)

Slovenija|SLAPOVI SLOVENIJE - waterfalls|Podvolovljek|Solčava

Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025