Boštjan Burger

Slapovi Slovenije (1993-1998)

URL: internetna arheologija

Waterfalls of Slovenia

Slovenija|SLAPOVI SLOVENIJE - waterfalls|Begunje
Prostorska slika - 360° Surround Photography okolica slapa - nearby the waterfall

Waterfall Luknja means waterfall in a hole. This waterfall is a type of waterfall in a channel (like Slap Igla) but with stages. It is somehow hidden in the jag. To enjoy this waterfall is a need to go at the bottom of the waterfall. Height of the waterfall is about 65 feet (20 metres). Following the path inside the jag on the left side of the waterfall (do not forget that left side of the waterfall mean left side of the brook...) and climbing upward the path trough the jag, there is another waterfall-jumper. Area there is quite stired up and interesting. Access:road Kranj - Jesenice. At Radovljica is a turn to settlement Begunje. In Begunje follow the road to Castle Kamen and continue to the hut Dom v Dragi. Dom v Dragi is about 2 km from Begunje. You can park your vehicle and continue by the rut to Planina Preval direction - there is a signpost. After 300 m is a another signpost to Planina Preval - via Luknja; right direction. Marked footpath leads upward passing waterfall Luknja (1200 m or 25 min from hut Dom v Dragi). Excursion to the waterfall Luknja is easy but to access the bottom of the waterfall (it is a real pleasure there at the bottom...) or to access the jumper which is situated for about 15 min of climbing is recomended only for experienced hikers.
Lokacija GPS: N:46°24'01" E:14°13'51" nadmorska višina/elevation dno/bottom ~ 768 m

more pictures: below the waterfall|waterfall| jumper

Slovenija|SLAPOVI SLOVENIJE - waterfalls|Begunje

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Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025