slovenščina SLOVENIA Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Škofja Loka

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion (2000/2007) je

Škofja Loka is known as the most preserved medieval town in Slovenia. The majority of the buildings are from the end of the 16. century. Old town core is consisted from Mestni trg (town market) called also "Plac" and Spodnji trg (lower market) or "Lontrg". Above old town dominates Castle of Škofja Loka. At the confluence of Selščica and Poljanščica rivers had developed settlement Loka. Actuall history of Škofja Loka started in 973 when the German emperor Oton II. donated the territory of Loka to the Bishof Abraham from Freising in Bavaria. Bishofs of Fresing had named the settlement to Škofja Loka (Bischoflack). The settlement was proclamed as town in 1274.

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