World Wide Panorama :: MEJE - BORDERS
Meja med veleposlaništvoma Združenih držav Amerike in Rusko federacijo na Tomšičevi ulici v Ljubljani. ZDA in SZ sta bila v obdobju 'hladne vojne' politična nasprotinika... sneg med veleposlaništvoma se topo...simbolika? Na drugi strani ulice kjer sta veleposlaništvi je Moderna galerija - ulica predstavlja mejo med politiko in kulturo. Kaj pa otrok in policist, ki čuva veleposlaništvo ZDA? ... nova meja je železniška proga v bližini, ki ločuje center mesta s parkom Tivoli, ki je na seznamu naravne dediščine Slovenije. In prostorska slika... je meja med zenitom in nadirjem.
This is a borderline between United States of America and Russian federation embassy in Tomsic Street in Ljubljana. US and SU used to be political rivals and involved in a 'Cold war'. Snow on the street is melting - symbolism? On the other side of the street where embassies are, is Modern gallery - so the street is another border, border between the politics and the culture. What about the child and the policeman guarding the US embassy?... another border is a railway in a distance. It is a borderline between the downtown of Ljubljana and the Tivoli park which is on the list of the natural heritage of Slovenia. And the pano... it is a border between the zenith and nadir..
All rights of this site are reserved; author: Boštjan Burger, 19th. March 2006