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SLOVENSKO: Na vrhu 342 m visokega griča s panoramskim razgledom na Dravsko polje in Haloze, se nahaja naselje Ptujska Gora. Nad naseljem je markantna gotska cerkev iz 15. stoletja, katero prvotno ime je Nova Štifta, danes romarska in božjepotna cerkev Marije Zavetnice s plaščem. Prvotno ime naselja je Črna gora in se kot Ptujska Gora prvič omenja šele leta 1927. V času turških vpadov je imela cerkev z okolico vlogo tabora. ENGLISH: Ptujska Gora is situated on the top of the 342 m high hill with the panoramic vista to Dravsko polje and Haloze. The sight of the settlement is a gothic church from the 15th century which original name vas 'Nova Štifta', today the church of the mantled Virgin Mary - the protector. The previous name of the settlement was Črna Gora or 'Black Hill (Monte negro) which was the name that stuck to the place since the Turkish invasions in the 15. Century.
Ptujska Gora
Boštjan Burger
Februar 2003
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