slovenščina Esperanto SLOVENIA ISTRA Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Piran - Pirano

Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursionvirtual excursion (2007)

Piran is old Mediterranean town which is situated at the cape of the Piran peninsula on the northern side of Istria. The town is actually one large museum with the medieval architecture and rich culture heritage. Narrow streets and tight houses are a special charm of the town. Piran is an administrative centre of the local area and also important Slovenian tourist centre. The most remarkable buliding of the Piran is aparish church of the St. George. The church was built approximately in the 12th century, present figure is from 1637. The tower bell of the church St. George was bulit in 1608 and is a smaller copy of the famous tower bell of St. Marcul in Venice. Interior of the church is worth seeing.

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