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ulica - street galerija - gallery kletni prostori - cellar atrij - courtyard prvo nadstropje - first floor

Pogled na hišo, kjer je prebival največji slovenski pesnik dr. France Prešeren. V Kranj se je preselil jeseni leta 1846, ko je dobil mesto samostojnega odvetnika. Stanovanje in pisarno je imel v prvem nadstropju in tu je 8.februarja 1849 tudi umrl. Leta 1964 je bil v teh prostorih odprt Prešernov spominski muzej kot pomemben del zbirk Gorenjskega muzeja.
The house where the greatest Slovenian poet Dr. France Prešeren used to live since autumn 1846 after he had obtained the position of an independent attorney. His living quarters and offices were in the first floor and it is here that he died on February 8th 1849.
In 1964 the Prešeren Memorial Museum was established representing a vital part of the Gorenjski muzej.