Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto Uvod-prologue Dolenjski muzej
Etnološka zbirka z različnimi predmeti predstavlja vsebino kmečkega letnega delovnega cikla, cikel koledarskih šeg, konjerejo, svečarsvo in medičarstvo, lončarstvo, trge, sejme in mere ter ljudsko likovno umetnost. Oddelek proučuje način življenja na Dolenjskem v 19. in 20. stoletju. Poleg v zbirki razstavljenih predmetov hrani še druge načrtno zbrane polšjega lova, vinogradništva, lesnih in drugih tradicionalnih obrti, kmečke bivanjske kulture in noše, čebelarstva in drugo.

Ethnological colection consist of and represents different objects related to rural seasonal working cycle, seasonal customs, horse raising, chandlery, honey bee keeping, pottery, fairs, traditional measurements as well as popular plastic art. Special attention is placed on the studies of Dolenjska 19th and 20th century customs and life styles. Besides of the objects on permanent exposition many other objects related to dormouse trapping wine growing woodworking and other traditional crafts, as well as peasant living environment and clothing are systematically collected and stored by the Dolenjska museum

[vstop - entry] leto 2000