Večina ulic poteka vzporedno s steno hriba in povezuje ohranjene srednjeveška hiše.
Most of streets run through the village parallel to the hills, lined by long strings of connected medieval houses, and many little cross streets pass through low vaulted passages beneath the houses.
Saturnin je značilna srednjeveška vasica, ki se nahaja vgnezdena pod dolgimi kamnitimi stenami na katerih še danes stojijo ruševine starega gradu.
Saint Saturnin-les-Apt is nestled along the base of a long cliff, with the ruins of a castle above on the high end and an old windmill on the opposite end.
Mlin na veter nad naseljem.
Wind mill above the settlement.
Mlin na veter nad naseljem.
Wind mill above the settlement.
V ozki soteski med vasico in stenami je bil v preteklosti za potrebe oskrbe z vodo zgrajen velik jez, za katerim je nastalo manjše jezerce.
Behind the cliffs above the village is a gorge that has been dammed and was originally used for the local water supply.
Zajezitveno jezero.
Dammed gorge with the lake.
Ruševine srednjeveškega gradu iz 11. stoletja.
Ruins of a defensive castle from the 11th century.
Ruševine srednjeveškega gradu iz 11. stoletja odkoder je lep razgled na okolico naselja.
Ruins of a defensive castle on the high end of the cliffs, where is a beutiful vista to countryside.
Tlakovane stezice vodijo do ruševin srednjeveškega gradu iz 11. stoletja, ki stoji na masivnih stenah nad vasico.
Behind the village, paved steps and pathways go up through the remains of 11th century walls to the ruins of a defensive castle on the high end of the cliffs.
Kulturna znamenitost naselja je cerkev 'Eglise-St-etienne', ki je nila na mestu prejšnje romanske cerkve zgrajena leta 1860. V cerkvi je lesen kip iz 14. satoletja, ki predstavlja Devico z otrokom ter slikarije iz 16. stoletja.
The Eglise St-Etienne was built about 1860, to replace the Romanesque chuch at the same site.