France Landmarks
[EU|France| Pau]

Celozaslonski prikaz - FULL SCREEN DISPLAY Grajsko dvorišče. Glavne značilnosti dvorca so tapiserije in bivalni prostori Henrika IV. V gradu sta danes dva muzeja: Musee National du Château, kjer so na ogled notranje dekoracije prostorov, tapiserije in umetnine iz časa Henrika IV. V Musee Béarnais so na ogled rokodelska obrt in ljudska umetnost.
Courtyard of the castle. The main features of the Château are its fine tapestries and the apartments of Jeanne d'Albret and Henry IV. The castle contains two museums, the Musee National du Château where are displayed interior decoration, tapestries and works of art of the time of Henry IV and the Musee Béarnais where are displayed crafts, history and folk art.

[EU|France| Pau ]