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Pariz. Bazilika Sacre-Coeur.

Bazilika je bila zgrajena leta 1889 v spomin na žrtve francosko-pruske vojne. Posvečena je bila šele leta 1919. Stavba je 85 m dolga, 35 , široka in 83 m visoka. Navdahnjena je z rimsko-bizantinskim stilom.
Paris. Basilica Of Sacre-Coeur. The building was built in a memory of the victioms of the French-Prussian war. The basilica was to be officially opened in 1889, but was not cionsecrated until 1919. The building, 85 metres long, 35 metres wide and 83 metres high was built in Chateau-Landon stone. Inspired by the Roman-Byzantine syle, it comprises a vast central rotunda, around which a short nave, two transepts and a chancel are laid out to form the arms of cross.

2003 - julij

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