VIRTUALNE EKSKURZIJE 360° virtual excursions


Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Zadnji dan Thunderjeta

The last day of Thunderjet je

Slovenščina»Tistega« vročega poletnega avgustovskega dne leta 2011 so se v Maribor pripeljali fantje iz Češke in pričeli demontažo aluminijaste, »grmeče« ptice… Tiho in neopazno, kakor je tiho in neopazno, tik ob Letališču Edvarda Rusjana kljuboval zobu časa nekdaj strah in trepet bojnih zračnih aren v Koreji in vrhunec vojaške letalske tehnologije ZDA iz začetka petdesetih let 20. stoletja,  Thunderjet F-84G. bojno letalo je bilo le eden izmed 229-ih Thunderjetov, ki jih je leta 1953 prejela jugoslovanska vojska. Kdo ve kje so končala vsa ta letala? Barvne kovine verjetno. “Mariborski” je imel srečo... po temeljiti restavraciji bo krasil letalski muzej na Češkem.

EnglishOn »that« hot summer’s August day, 2011, guys from Czech Republic came to Maribor and started with the disassembling of the aluminum, »thundering« bird… quiet and unnoticed as it was there the plane quietly and unnoticeable resisting the tooth of time, once the fear and fright of the combat air skies of Korea and the top of US air forces technology in the beginning of 50-ies of 20. century - Thunderjet F-84G. The fighter plane was one of the 229 Thunderjets which has received Yugoslav Army in 1953. Who knows where has ended all that planes? Scrap recycles? The »Maribor's« one had luck... after the thorouht restavration it will be adorned in an Aircraft museum in Czech Republic.

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Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025