Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks

Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes

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Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes in Brestanica.

The Basilica of the Mother of God of Lourdes in Brestanica was completed in the neo -Romanesque style just before the beginning of World War I in 1914. The inner walls of the church are richly painted. The authors of the paintings and images are the Italian painter Osvald Bierti and Carinthian painter Peter Markovič. The two mestra -high statue of the Lourdes of Mary, which stands above the altar, are brought from Paris after the blessing. A characteristic of the church is also the window stained glass, made by the Tyrol company Neuhauser Dr. Jele & C. In 1929, Cerker was proclaimed Bazillika.

* Basilica: distinguished church with the special rights of honour.

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