slovenščina Esperanto SLOVENIJA


Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


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Juliana trail passing the Bled area (2020) je

Natural and historical features, beauty of the country and good geographical location, just near the Alps, make Bled and countryside an ideal place for tourism. Bled has a mild, sub-Alpine climate. It is protected from the northern winds with the ridges of the Julian and Karavanke Alps. The average temperature in June is 19°C and January is -1.7°C. Only 3 km from the lake is one of the the best golf playgrounds on the word and in the settlement is an administrative centre of Triglav National Park.
Lake Bled is lake in East Julian Alps in north-west Slovenia.  It is situated at the elevation of 475 m.
The lake is a combination of glacial and tectonic origins and had appeared behind the moraines of the former Bohinj glacier in Pleistocene.
Length of the lake is 2120 m and the width 1380 m, surface of the lake is 144 hectares, the deepest point is 30,6 m, the highest temperature of the water reaches about 25°C (July). The 'icons' of Bled are picturesque isle on the natural lake and a castle built on the steep rock above the lake.

Burger Landmarks /

Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025